Common Gardening Mistakes to Avoid

Common Gardening Mistakes

Not preparing the beds

The problem:

By not properly preparing the garden beds, the soil may become dry and the roots of the young plant cannot penetrate into the soil resulting in stunted plants. 

The solution:

Digging and double digging the garden beds and adding plenty of compost makes the soil loose enough for good root run. If this backbreaking work is not your cup of tea, try making raised beds so that you won't have to dig as deep.


The problem:

Although overwatering may be necessary during high heat and until seedling and cuttings get established, once plants establish a good root system you must water them at regular intervals. Overwatering will literally drown the plant. These plants become easily wilted in the sun 

The solution:

Water infrequently at regular intervals and water deeply.

Planting out of season

The problem:

Planting too early in the spring leaves them at the mercy of late frosts while planting too late means missing the chance to get vigorous growth and yield before the temperature increases.

The solution:

Follow the gardening calendar of your area and read the labels on the seed packets carefully. 

Scaring away pollinators

The problem: 

Scaring away pollinators could mean less yield. 

The solution: 

Although it is hard to watch the pests chimp at your veggies, these insects are needed to ensure a good crop. 

Planting the same vegetables in the same place year after year

The problem: 

Pests and diseases are more likely to take hold of the area because they are host specific. With infestation occurring one year, the spores and eggs remain in the soil and affect the next batch of plants.

The solution:

Plant rotation breaks this life cycle.  

Taking on too much

The problem: 

Your to-do list is so long you feel overwhelmed and your crops are less likely to be successful. 

The solution: 

If you are a novice gardener start small and gradually work your way up to that big garden you've been dreaming of. Limit the amount of produce in your garden and plant those veggies that require more attention during the first month. 

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